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Staff photo.
Giggles & Grace is a twice-annual consignment sale at Asbury United Methodist Church, scheduled for Feb. 21-22.
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Giggles & Grace information.
Asbury Methodist Church will once again hold its biannual consignment sale, Giggles & Grace, later this month. The sale, in its 13th year, will be Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21 and 22 in the gymnasium.
The event is run by a 23-person committee and the help of more than 350 volunteers who work hundreds of hours of time before, during and after the sale.
The sale is limited to 425 consignors, and the registration was almost at capacity for the last sale. Items available include quality clothing in sizes from newborns to teenagers, shoes, toys, books, strollers, baby furniture and more.
Consignors and volunteers can shop early on Thursday night, while the sale opens to the public Friday morning at 8 a.m. and goes until 6 p.m. Saturday, it will be open from 8 a.m. to noon, with some items marked half off.
Consignors receive 75% of the sale price of their items, and the other 25% is divided between Asbury’s children and youth ministries for materials, equipment, scholarships for mission trips and more.
“A percentage of the revenue from the previous sale is reserved for vouchers for families at the next sale,” publicity co-chair Jennifer McInnish said. “We were able to assist 60 families with shopping vouchers at the last sale. Applications open four weeks before the sale and can be completed on the sale’s website.
Items that are not sold are donated to organizations including Oak Mountain Missions, King’s Home, Foster Care of Shelby County and the Lovelady Center.
Shoppers can also bring canned food donations to benefit Asbury’s food pantry. Each can is an entry for a fast pass for easy check out and drawings are held every 30 minutes.
For more information, visit asburygigglesandgrace.com.