Courtesy of NASA Solar Dynamics
The moon passes in front of the sun as a partial solar eclipse, as viewed from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory.
The Library in the Forest is inviting those looking for a place to view Monday's solar eclipse to join them on the observation deck for an eclipse viewing party.
Starting at 12:15 p.m., folks can line up to get a number for the limited number of eclipse viewing glasses the library will offer.
The viewing party will take place from 1-2 p.m., and light refreshments will be served.
While no cities in Alabama will be in the path of totality for the eclipse, Birmingham will experience a partial eclipse of about 94 percent, reaching maximum coverage at 1:31 p.m.
Upon departing the event, the library is asking attendees to leave their glasses for others to use.
For more information, visit the Library's Facebook Page.
Vestavia Hills City Schools are working to provide safe means for all students to view the eclipse as well.
Students in grades 4-12 will be allowed to go outside for the event and be provided safe viewing equipment.
Students in grades K-3 will watch the eclipse indoors on a livestream, due to safety and supervision concerns.
"Given that the eclipse is an historical event and a unique learning opportunity, Vestavia Hills City Schools will provide students who go outside with a means of viewing the eclipse safely. Students and parents should understand the inherent risks of looking directly into the sun during the eclipse and plan accordingly," the school system said in a release Wednesday.
Elementary parents were emailed a permission form on Monday, Aug. 14, for their students to view the eclipse outside, and secondary parents were emailed an opt-out form. Parents must complete these forms no later than Friday, August 18, to indicate their wishes for their students during the eclipse.
The Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce was also compiling a list of businesses still selling eclipse glasses. Visit their website at vestaviahills.org.