Photo by Neal Embry.
Jerry Gilroy, right, opens the door for Shirley Martin as he prepares to drive her around town as part of the senior transportation program facilitated by the city of Vestavia Hills.
The Vestavia Hills Senior Transportation Program is designed to benefit elderly residents, offering them rides to medical appointments, the bank, the grocery store and other places, all for just $1 round-trip.
However, the volunteer drivers who are also part of the program benefit just as much, they said.
Jerry Gilroy moved to Vestavia 10 years ago from Dothan to be closer to his family, and a few years after moving, had the desire to get involved in some way.
“I saw what a beautiful city Vestavia Hills is,” Gilroy said. “It’s a people city; it’s a friendly city. I’ve never felt so welcome.”
Gilroy wanted to give back, so about six or seven years ago, he joined the transportation program as a volunteer driver and said it has been a rewarding experience.
“You almost become like family,” Gilroy said.
Many times, drivers can serve as a sounding board, offering advice or just taking time to listen to the senior citizens, he said. Drivers don’t go in the house, but they’ll make sure their passengers get in safely and help them any way they can.
Some of the riders aren’t close with their family and may not be as well off financially as others, Gilroy said.
“I have learned to appreciate how good I’ve got it,” Gilroy said. “There are people who have it much worse than you do. Appreciate the people who love you. Appreciate your kids.”
Bob Holbrook has also been driving for about six years and said he became involved after a friend of his who helped lead the program encouraged him to do so.
“I enjoy it,” Holbrook said. “Riders are so appreciative of the ability to stay in their own home and to do daily tasks.”
Both Gilroy and Holbrook said one of their favorite riders is Ms. Grace, who is often accompanied by her grandson. Every Friday, Gilroy said they travel to the library, the bank or Publix, and sometimes all three.
Gilroy credited Mayor Ashley Curry and the Police Department for being involved with the program, ensuring the senior citizens receive care. If drivers hear of any scams targeting the seniors, they alert the police, who respond quickly, he said.
Gilroy said he hopes more riders will participate, noting it is much cheaper than paying for a taxi cab.
“It’s a service that needs an exposure,” he said.
Drivers can take riders anywhere in the city for shopping, and for medical appointments, they can go downtown to UAB, St. Vincent’s or one of the other hospitals and medical centers, as well as out to Grandview Medical Center on U.S. 280.
Shirley Martin went with Gilroy to Steed’s Jewelers one Friday morning to have them work on her jewelry. She said she’s thankful for the service.
“It’s good; it’s a lifesaver because I don’t drive,” Martin said.
Gilroy said he’ll call his riders the night before to confirm they still want a ride and will pick them up and spend however much time is needed with them. “It’s just a good thing, and we all enjoy it.”