Emily Featherston
At the Jan. 11 Vestavia Hills City Council meeting, dates were announced for the city’s annual strategic planning session.
This year’s meetings will be held Feb. 11 and 12, beginning at 8 a.m. in council chambers.
The annual meetings cover a wide range of topics and serves as a time for the council to set priorities for the coming year and receive input from many city departments.
City Manager Jeff Downes also asked the public to provide input on the draft of the city’s stormwater plan document, which outlines how the city will meet stormwater management goals and permit requirements. Residents have been asked to review the document at vhal.org/stormwater-management-plan. The plan is also shared on the city’s Facebook page. Comments can be sent to City Engineer Christopher Brady at cbrady@vhal.org or by calling 205-978-0150. Comments are due by 5 p.m. on Jan. 25.
In other business, the council agreed to allow Downes to sell various pieces of equipment as surplus. They also approved an ordinance allowing Downes to enter into an agreement and grant a water easement to the Birmingham Water Works Board so the board can relocate a water line at the Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex onto city property. This move is part of the project building a tunnel connecting the SHAC to the Liberty Park Athletic Complex.
The council also introduced the rezoning of 3412 Ridgedale Drive, the property behind El Poblano, from R-1, low density residential, to R-9, planned residential district, for the construction of four homes. The proposal has drawn complaints from nearby residents at Planning and Zoning Commission meetings.