How do people living in Vestavia Hills perceive the pandemic? We sent out an online survey, and 107 people living in Vestavia responded.

The survey ran from March 26 until April 5. Out of 107 people who said they live in Vestavia, 75 people said they had received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine (70.1%), and 15 people (14%) selected the response "No, but I will as soon as I'm able to." The third option, "No," was chosen by 17 respondents (10%).

When respondents were asked if they thought masks prevent the spread of COVID-19, 76 (71%) said yes and 31 (29%) said no.

A majority of Vestavia residents said they wear masks in public spaces — 80 (74.8%) people answered "yes" to this question. At the time of this survey, a mask mandate was in effect in Alabama. Other responses to this question were "sometimes" (20 people, 18.7%) and "no" (7 people, 6.5%).
Because this survey ended April 5, the data may have changed by the time this article was published.