Photo by Sam Chandler
Mayor Butch Zaragoza
Vestavia Hills Mayor Butch Zaragoza presides over the city council meeting on Monday, May 23.
The Vestavia Hills City Council will consider 10 items of business at Monday's regularly scheduled meeting, including a public hearing considering property at 1756 Indian Creek Drive.
At the July 11 meeting, City Attorney Ben Goldman said that Deborah Reinhardt had made an effort to improve the exterior of the property and cleaning out the houses contents, and suggested that the council go ahead with signing the agreement. However, because one of the parties invested in the property, Mercury Funding, had not returned the city's attempts at contact, Goldman suggested leaving the scheduled public hearing on Monday's agenda.
Reinhardt agreed to vacate the property before Monday's meeting, and have the house listed with a licensed real estate agent by September 15.
The council will also consider multiple actions with regard to the Public Works facility at 1280 Montgomery Highway, as well as the intended relocation area on Sicard Hollow Road. The new location is currently zoned Planned Unit Development for future residential use, but the ordinance would rezone the property to allow for a new Public Works facility.
Two resolutions will be considered regarding power and construction easements, as well as the resetting of a public hearing regarding the adoption of various 2014 and 2015 international building codes.
There is also a resolution up for consideration that would allow for an amendment to the 2016 budget to allow for additional resources for the Parks and Recreation Department, as well as measures to purchase ballistic protection vests for the Vestavia Hills Police Department and financial software for the city.
For a full agenda, visit