Emily Featherston
The Vestavia Hills City Council voted Monday night to add three new police officer and firefighter positions in response to the City’s growing needs.
Fire Chief Jim St. John explained to the Council that the new firefighters would likely be stationed at Fire Station No. 4 near Liberty Park, in order to better serve the northeast portion of the city. St. John estimated that the additions would cost the city $47,844 in the 2016 fiscal year.
Police Chief Dan Rary said that because of the retirement of two high-level officers, the additions to the police force would not incur a cost for the city, except for the potential cost of additional uniforms.
Mayor Pro-Tem Steve Ammons said he commended St. John and Rary for coming to the council with a request that puts citizen safety first.
“Adding three more officers to help protect our city—our kids—I think it’s a no-brainer,” Ammons said.
Ammons also commended Vestavia Hills first responders in regard to the incident on March 9 where three Vestavia Hills High School students were injured after coming into contact with a live wire. He said the school resource officers not only began performing CPR, but also immediately began directing traffic so the paramedics could reach the students, and that all parties performed seamlessly.
The new police officers and firefighters will be hired in accordance with city and county requirements.
Other Council business included:
- The Council voted in favor of an agreement with Jefferson County for the removal of debris caused by potential future devastating storms.
- An ordinance was passed allowing for a cost-sharing agreement for a corridor study along Grants Mill Road from Interstate 459 to Highway 119.
- The Council approved a resolution authorizing an agreement with Sain Associates for a corridor study along Dolly Ridge Road.
- The Council voted to declare several items, including multiple aged vehicles, as surplus property, for the purpose of sale.
- The Council approved an agreement with Holcombe Norton Partners, Inc. for architectural services for improvements at Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex.
- The Council voted to approve a special economic development agreement with Liberty Park, LLC for Prominence Shops.
- The Council authorized the settlement of a 2011 lawsuit between the City of Vestavia Hills and Vestavia Plaza, LLC.