Photo by Sam Chandler
Mayor Butch Zaragoza
Vestavia Hills Mayor Butch Zaragoza presides over the city council meeting on Monday, May 23.
The Vestavia Hills City Council will meet Monday, July 11, at its regular meeting time, where members will consider six items of business, as well as hear the first-reads of four additional items.
The first item of business concerns the second phase of the Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex renovations. In March, the council sent out a bid for park improvements and a trail, and accepted a bid from CB&A, under the assumption that some of the cost would be donated. However, the donation fell through, leading the council to consider rescinding the original resolution in favor of the bids that were opened on May 25.
CB&A was also found to not have the proper contractor's license, according to the wording of the offered resolution.
Monday's resolution states that City Manager Jeff Downes and Public Services Director Brian Davis recommend accepting a bid from the Pennington Group totaling $1,548,214. The city would fund the project up to $599,000, in phases, with Parks and Recreation Foundation funding the remainder.
The council will also consider a resolution making way for a new floor in the community room of the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest, as well as two alcohol licenses: one for the Encore on Acton Road, as well as for the Diplomat Deli off of Highway 31. The council will also consider an ordinance allowing for the City to pay its 2016 series of general obligation warrants.
Finally, the council will consider entering a remediation agreement with Deborah Reinhardt, who owns the property at 1756 Indian Creek Road. Reinhardt would need to vacate the property by July 18, and sell the property by September 15 in order to maintain the agreement and avoid demolition of the property.