Emily Featherston
City Attorney Patrick Boone is expected to explain the city's settlement of a pending lawsuit.
The Vestavia Hills City Council will consider eight items of business at its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday.
Among the items is a resolution that would authorize City Manager Jeff Downes to hire three new police officers and three new firefighters. The resolution comes after a work session in February where Police Chief Dan Rary and Fire Chief Jim St. John explained the need for additional officers.
The council will also consider a resolution that would allow the city to enter into an $80,000 agreement with Holcombe Norton Partners, Inc. for architectural services for improvements at the Sicard Hollow Athletic Complex.
An ordinance to settle a pending lawsuit with Vestavia Plaza, LLC will be the final item of business, and will require unanimous consent. The settlement, while not acknowledging liability on the part of the city, would call for the payment of $50,000 for the city’s insurance deductible, and an additional $50,000 to the plaintiff.
The other item requiring unanimous consent will be a resolution for an economic development agreement with SCP at Liberty Park, LLC.
The council will consider declaring several items of property, including a 1992 Honda Accord, a 1999 Jeep Cherokee and a 2004 Ford F-350, as surplus.
Finally, the council will also vote on an agreement with Jefferson County for storm debris removal, on an agreement with for cost sharing of a corridor study on Grants Mill road and an agreement with Sain Associates for a study on Dolly Ridge Road.