Emily Featherston
The bid for the improvements to Crosshaven Drive came in about $400,000 over budget, but after some discussion, the roughly $4.6 million bid was approved by the Vestavia Hills City Council at the March 30 meeting.
The bid, awarded to Tortorigi Construction, was first discussed at a work session held prior to the meeting. The increase came due to the project’s scope being widened, as the cost of utility relocation went up. Council member George Pierce said the money would have to be gotten back somewhere.
“We’re getting close to the bottom of the budget, and I think that every dollar we spend is going to be critical,” Pierce said.
City Manager Jeff Downes said the Council could choose to use uncommitted gas tax funds.
Downes also said the goal is to mobilize in early May to begin construction, and the project should last one year. The city will work with businesses and property owners to make sure ingress and egress is not impacted, especially since some businesses are currently closed, Downes said.
In order to gain better understanding of the economic impact of the coronavirus, the Council decided to push a decision on accepting the bid for the renovation of the community building back to May.
The bid came in under budget at about $13.6 million with all alternates included. The original budget called for a cost of $15.3 million, but estimates had risen to more than $19 million before the bid came in.
The Council also approved the bid for construction of sidewalks on East Street. The $483,000 bid was awarded to James Paving. The sidewalks are part of a master plan to build more sidewalks throughout the city.
The council approved the rezoning of 3928 Cypress Drive from Vestavia Hills Institutional to VH O-1 [office park district]. The property owners plan to build a software development company on the property.
The council also rezoned 3109 and 3113 Blue Lake Drive from VH R-1 [medium density residential district] to VH 0-1. Harris Doyle Homes is planning on building a new office at the site.