Neal Embry
Vestavia Hills City Attorney Patrick Boone, center, stands with Mayor Ashley Curry, members of the city council and his family while receiving a plaque honoring him for serving as city attorney for 40 years.
For the past 40 years, Patrick Boone has served the city of Vestavia Hills as city attorney, as well as occupying the same role for the city’s school system.
On Sept. 24, the council, unbeknownst to Boone, honored him for his service, and for the first hour of the council meeting allowed longtime friends, coworkers and past city leaders to tell Boone how much he meant to them.
Former mayor Sara Wuska spoke about how Boone, who served on the council in the 1970s, convinced the two homeowners who owned property at what would become Vestavia Hills Elementary West to sell the property to help build the city’s school system.
“There isn’t another one like him,” Wuska said.
Current Vestavia City Schools Superintendent Todd Freeman said Boone cares greatly for Vestavia.
“As a newcomer to the city … it’s really nice to have an encyclopedia of knowledge when you have a lot of legal things you deal with,” Freeman said. “... What I know is two things: he has a great deal of passion for this city, and has referred to it several times as the best kept secret in America and I think that’s right, so he’s a great champion for the city and he also has great compassion for the people that are in this city, for the employees and the students we serve.”
Boone said he’s just glad to be a part of the “team.”
“It’s Pat Boone who should be thanking you and the other 34,000 of (city residents) for letting us be on the team,” Boone said. “... Vestavia Hills is the best kept secret in the United States of America. The people are special. Together, we have built this city and this community.”
City Business
In city business, the council took a step toward bringing more sidewalks to the city, approving survey and engineering work to begin to construct sidewalks on East Street, Cahaba Heights Road, Mountainview Drive and Rocky Ridge Road. The Community Spaces Plan allotted $2.5 million for sidewalk improvements.
The council also approved the schematic designs for the Wald Park component of the plan, discussed at the Sept. 17 work session. The design calls for a new pool, a “great lawn” that could host two pavilions and many other amenities.
Also at Wald Park, the council approved the initial site package bid for construction to begin, as well as an amendment to the purchase and sale agreement. While the bid was originally about $230,000 over budget, the city was able to get it down to $140,000 over budget and will split that cost with the developer. While that project is over budget, other projects are under budget, City Manager Jeff Downes said.
An alcohol license for Martin’s BBQ, set to open Oct. 30, was approved at council, as well.
In other news, the council:
- Approved a resolution authorizing Downes to remit attorney fees for professional services to create the Liberty Park Areas Public Road Cooperative District, which oversees newly-dedicated roads in Liberty Park.
- Approved the 90-day final annexation of 2441 Jannebo Road.
- Approved the rezoning of 2441 Jannebo Road from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-1.
- Approved the 90-day final annexation of 3332 Misty Lane.
- Approved rezoning 3332 Misty Lane from JCE-2 to VH R-1.
- Approved the 90-day final of 2764 Altadena Lake Drive.
- Approved the rezoning of 2764 Altadena Lake Drive from JC R-1 to VH R-2.
- Approved the rezoning of 2401 Mountain Vista Drive from JC E-2 to VH R-1.
- Approved a resolution accepting the dedication of Anna Steele Lane.
- Approved an ordinance allowing Verizon Wireless right-of-way access in exchange for 5 percent of total gross receipts.
- Approved a resolution declaring an old Vestavia Hills Police Department vehicle surplus and authorizing Downes to dispose or sell it.
At the next meeting, set for Oct. 8 at 6 p.m., the council will vote on approving two entertainment districts, one at the Vestavia City Center and another in Cahaba Heights.