Neal Embry Starnes Media
This property on Ridgedale Drive, behind El Poblano, is up for rezoning to build four single-family homes.
Four new homes can be built at 3412 Ridgedale Drive after the Vestavia Hills City Council voted to approve the rezoning of the property at the Jan. 25 City Council meeting.
The property was rezoned from low-density residential units to a planned residential community district [Vestavia Hills R-1 to VH R-9], and the move was met with opposition from neighbors, who expressed concern about the development’s impact on privacy, traffic and drainage.
One resident said the homes will be right in front of her home, which is “just weird,” and doesn’t leave much distance between her property and her soon-to-be new neighbors. Another neighbor said with the already increasing density in Rocky Ridge, the move just creates more problems.
Jason Kessler and KADCO Homes is developing the property. Kessler told the City Council that under the R-1 zoning, they still could have built two homes, but requested the change so they could build four homes. The property is in disrepair, and Kessler said he believes this will be an improvement and will be a good transition from the nearby residential zoning into the commercial district below the property, which includes El Poblano, Twisted Root and other businesses.
Runoff water will be buried and stored in underground chambers, Kessler said, helping with existing drainage issues, and the company is working with the city to possibly widen Ridgedale Drive in front of their property.
In other news, the council:
- Approved a funding agreement with the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham for the purpose of purchasing a bus for the city’s senior programming.
- Approved the purchase of a new police vehicle to replace one that had been totaled.
- Heard from City Manager Jeff Downes, who said the city has begun the repaving of streets around the city as part of the three-year resurfacing plan.