Neal Embry
Council members, from left, Rusty Weaver, George Pierce and Kimberly Cook, listen at the Sept. 10 council meeting.
At the Sept. 10 council meeting, the city council passed the fiscal year 2019 budget, which includes a 3 percent cost of living increase for all employees, as well as anticipated revenues.
City Manager Jeff Downes previously said the city is anticipating an additional $5.8 million in revenue next year, a 15 percent increase from the current year’s budget. The budget, among other items, also includes money for a security officer at the library, which has seen various security issues including teens fighting, inappropriate uses of the computer and people harassing staff and other patrons, according to the budget.
Ken Upchurch from TCU Consulting Services spoke about the Community Spaces Plan. Upchurch said the Wald Park project is almost ready for the design and development phase, but first, the council must read and approve the schematics, which should be ready by Sept. 15, and will be discussed at the Sept. 17 work session. Before any project advances from the schematic phase to design and development, the council will review it and vote on its approval, Upchurch said. The same process will occur before projects enter the construction phase.
“No phase can be moved on from without your vote and Jeff’s approval,” Upchurch said.
While there will be no more community meetings about the various projects, Upchurch said those who were involved on the various committees for the projects may attend the design meetings, to be held every two weeks.
Three months after the Gresham Elementary Campus was annexed into the city, the council passed the 90 day, or three months, final annexation to ensure the campus’ annexation into the city cannot be challenged. The council also rezoned the campus from Jefferson County Institutional to Vestavia Hills Institutional.
With the city still owning some property at the Patchwork Farms development, the council passed a resolution authorizing the initiation of passing an amendment to the planned unit development. The actual amendment, which would allow some property owners to be released from the planned unit development as well as allowing a greater density of condominiums, must be passed by the planning and zoning commission, as well as the council.
The bid for the initial Wald Park site package was tabled at Upchurch’s request, after he told the council he was still exploring ways to save the city money.
In other news, the council:
- Passed an ordinance rezoning land at 2424 and 2732 Dolly Ridge Road from Jefferson County E-2 to Vestavia Hills R-2 for construction of four homes.
- Passed an ordinance annexing the homes listed above into the city.
- Passed a resolution approving the final 10 percent of the fiscal year 2018 budget and authorizing Downes to purchase certain capital items and expense said items for that budget.
- Passed a resolution authorizing Downes to execute and deliver an agreement with Sain Associates for services related to designing the Connector Sidewalk TAP project, part of the Community Spaces Plan.
- Passed a resolution authorizing Downes to accept a lease rate for the lease or purchase of vehicles and equipment for fiscal year 2019.
- Passed a resolution declaring city property as surplus and directing Downes to sell or dispose of the property.