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Photo by Lexi Coon.
Community members looking to go in 2020 with ahealthy start gathered for the annual CommitmentDay 5K at Vestavia Hills’ Life Time Fitness on Jan. 1.
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Commitment Day 5K.
On New Year’s Day, people looking to get a quick start on their resolutions will have their chance at Life Time Fitness’ Commitment Day 5K race.
The race begins at 10 a.m. at the gym at 3051 Healthy Way in Liberty Park, with packet pickup Dec. 31 from noon-4 p.m. and again Jan. 1 from 8-10 a.m. The 5K will begin at 10 a.m., followed by a festival, according to the event’s Facebook page.
Participants can run, walk, jog or stroll. The race entry fee covers a race bib, medal and post-race lunch social, according to the Facebook page.
Last year’s race director, Danny Haralson, said the race is a good opportunity for those looking to improve their health to make an early commitment.
“It gets them started out on the right foot,” Haralson said before the 2019 race. “Consistency is the key. … Every journey starts with a single step.”
Instead of making resolutions, Haralson said it’s better to set goals, such as losing 10 pounds, not just setting a general resolution of, “I want to get in shape.”
“Round is a shape,” Haralson said jokingly.
For more information, visit Facebook and search for Commitment Day 5K, or visit lifetime.life.