Neal Embry
This screenshot shows the processes of RePower South, which turns trash into commodities and energy.
After listening to residents’ request for input on the city’s new sanitation contract with Amwaste, City Manager Jeff Downes recommended the contract include twice-weekly pickup days for residents, shifting from an earlier recommendation for one service day each week.
The recommended option, chosen out of seven possible options, would stipulate Amwaste would come once a week for household waste and take it to the landfill, and would come back another day in the week to pick up recyclables. Downes made the recommendation at the Aug. 17 work session.
However, on the recycling day, Amwaste will pick up what Downes called a “mixed stream.” Residents can still include household waste if they desire or need to. On that day, Amwaste will pick up whatever is in the cart and take it to RePower South in Montgomery, where it will be sorted. RePower reports that about 70% of what they take in is either sold as a recyclable commodity or as feedstock fuel. The other 30% that is not used is taken to a landfill in Montgomery. Amwaste will only go to RePower South on the designated recycling day.
The previous option Downes had touted would have had one day where Amwaste would pick up everything in one trip and take it to RePower South and would have saved the city about $773,000 compared to the most recent contract with Republic Services, the current provider. The new recommended option saves the city about $163,800 but gives residents what they overwhelmingly said they wanted: twice-weekly service days.
The money saved will go toward making improvements to public safety. It will be used to pay for two new police officers and, midway through the fiscal year, three new firefighters. The city also plans to use capital funds to purchase another ambulance, Downes said.
The City Council has the final say on the language of the contract with Amwaste and is expected to vote on the issue this coming Monday, Aug. 24 at 6 p.m.