Emily Featherston
Sidewalk installation will soon begin on Mountain View Drive after the Vestavia Hills City Council approved the construction bid for the project at the Sept. 14 meeting.
The low bidder was Triple J Construction, which sent in a roughly $370,000 bid for the project. That price was around the budgeted price of $380,000. Nearby residents are paying $30,000, leaving the other $340,000 to be paid by the city.
The project will see about 3,000 feet of sidewalk constructed from Vestavia Hills Elementary East to the intersection of Vesclub Way and Lexington Road. The project is anticipated to be completed by late March 2021 and is part of citywide efforts to add more sidewalks throughout Vestavia.
Also at the Sept. 14 meeting, the Council approved a conditional use permit at Sonoco at 1456 Montgomery Highway to allow for the repair and short-term storage of vehicles on the property. The site was previously owned by AAMCO Transmission repair, which moved following a large rockslide in early 2019. Sonoco has purchased the property and is wishing to store and repair vehicles on the property. The business also requested a six-foot chain link fence with shading for security purposes, but the business said they had already built the fence, thinking they had the authority to do so.
Because the fence is at the front of the business, landscaping in the front to mitigate the fence was part of the original proposal by Sunoco. However, that property is in ALDOT right of way, meaning any work would have to gain their approval.
The Council also approved the fiscal year 2021 budget, which saw a late increase of $50,000 to the city’s surplus fund thanks to some costs, including retirement costs, coming in lower than expected.
Related to the budget, the Council also approved the final 10% of fiscal year 2020’s budget, as well as resolutions that approved financing terms for city vehicles and the paying of 5% hazardous pay to essential city employees who continue to work during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hazardous pay lasts for three months.
The Council approved the donation of the fire department’s fire safety trailer, used for Smoke House fire safety instruction classes with school students, to the Alabama Fire College. The move was proposed in order to make more space at Station 4, as that station will soon have more staff and already has a new vehicle. The fire college will store, maintain and coordinate the use of the trailer for surrounding local departments, opening up more opportunities for other departments. The city would still be able to use the trailer if they need to, though Smoke House demonstrations are not happening this year due to COVID-19.
The new Publix in Rocky Ridge is set to open on Nov. 18, and the grocery store had its alcohol license approved by the Council at the Sept. 14 meeting. A representative said the store will have an extensive selection of wine and craft beer.
In other business, the Council:
- Adopted the certificate of election for Council member Paul Head, who won reelection in August.
- Approved a resolution authorizing City Manager Jeff Downes to deliver an extension of a water mains agreement with the Birmingham Water Works Board covering the installation of water mains for the Crosshaven Drive and Green Valley Road projects.
- Approved a resolution authorizing Downes to repair the HVAC at the Vestavia Hills Library in the Forest.