Samford Legacy League's annual Scholarship Luncheon
A Country Club in Vestavia 400 Beaumont Drive, Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35216

In this challenging time when hope and peace can seem elusive, the Samford University Legacy League is offering encouragement from best-selling author Susan Alexander Yates. An international speaker, blogger and columnist, Susan will share messages relevant for all ages and stages of life when she comes to Birmingham on Thursday, February 11. The event is planned in accordance with CDC and government guidelines to promote a safe environment.
“Anchored in Hope: Finding Wisdom for Every Season” is the theme of the Legacy League’s annual Scholarship Luncheon to be held at a country club in Vestavia. Premium sponsors are Brookdale University Park and Wells Fargo Advisors. Doors will open at 11 a.m., and the program will begin at 11:30 a.m. Reservations (required) are $60, $30 of which is tax-deductible. Proceeds from this event will provide life-changing scholarships for students with significant financial need and challenging circumstances.
Mom to five, grandmother to 21 and a pastor’s wife for 50 years, Susan has written 16 faith-building books. “[She] does not discount the fears and worries of our lives (both the real and the imagined ones), but she challenges us to reorient our perspective,” says best-selling author Jodie Berndt. “Instead of letting our “issues” (things like children, jobs, health concerns, relationships) take up the whole screen and cloud our vision, Susan encourages us to stack these things up against the awesome power and love of our Almighty God.” Learn more about Susan at, on Facebook and @susanalexanderyates.
The Legacy League, a volunteer organization with nearly 800 members ranging in age from 22 to 100, raises funds to provide scholarships for students with significant financial needs and challenging circumstances. The organization offers meaningful volunteer opportunities, inspirational programs and a friendly, caring community to all who become involved.
Reservations and additional information may be found at