Free Narcan Training
Cooper Green Hospital 1515 Sixth Avenue South , Vestavia Hills, Alabama 35233
Navigating our community’s substance abuse treatment system can be confusing and overwhelming. The Recovery Resource Center is a collaborative initiative dedicated to simplifying that process by providing a central point of information. The center’s staff and volunteers have the expertise to answer questions, initiate the treatment process, and make referrals as needed.
Our services include:
• Assessment: The state-approved American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) substance abuse placement assessment can be conducted to identify the appropriate level of care needed and begin the discussion about referrals.
• Referral: Based on results from the assessment, community resources will be discussed to meet the individual’s treatment needs. This discussion takes into consideration various factors, such as what type of insurance the individual has (or lack of insurance), as well as specific characteristics such as gender, veteran status, place of residence, and drug of choice.
• Information: Through an in-house consultation, we provide general information about addiction and recovery, as well as information specific to each treatment provider and/or type of treatment.
Free Naloxone (Narcan) Training
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 5:30 pm
Note: Training is held monthly on the Fourth Wednesday
Cooper Green Hospital, 2nd Floor Cafeteria, 1515 6th Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35233
Each participant receives a free Naloxone kit after the training class which lasts approximately one hour.