Dark Money: How funding influences elections
You won’t want to miss this exposé on Dark Money at the Vestavia Hills Library at 6:30pm Tuesday, Oct. 25th - right before the Presidential election.
Dark Money - unlimited and unidentified funds given to influence elections - is right here in Alabama as well as elsewhere. Does Citizens’ United promote free speech or allow groups to buy elections? In the 2012 election cycle, more than $308 million in dark money was spent* with an estimated 86% by conservative groups and 11% by liberal groups.
Panelists include al.com’s Kyle Whitmire and John Archibald as well as Judith Taylor representing a national group, Move to Amend, that is working to amend the Constitution to state that money is not speech; human beings, not corporations, are persons entitled to constitutional rights.
All events are free and open to the public.
For more information contact: Bill Bennett, bbennett5748@gmail.co
Pat Greenup, peg2012@att.net (205) 987-7166
Brought to you by Over the Mountain Democrats
*Center for Responsive Politics