As a professional dancer, Lisa Altamirano once took a leap of faith to go dance among the best of the best in New York City. Years later, she took another leap: opening a physical therapy practice.
“It’s taken a lot of faith to make it happen,” said Altamirano, who also said she is one of the only female PT clinic owners in Birmingham. “The dance world trained me for that — to take the challenge of the day and dive in and do the best you can.”
She decided to go into PT after getting a couple of injuries in New York and watching as physical therapists brought people like her back to life.
Now at her own practice, Agile Physical Therapy, Altamirano said they bring people back to life, too — even after the patient has been told by others that they will never return to their previous activities again.
“I love it when people hit a milestone, even an itty bitty one, that changes their life somehow,” she said. That could mean walking a few steps, sitting at work all day pain free or running a half marathon for the first time.
“We’re different than other clinics.” she said. “We do a neuro-based manual treatment that gets people moving a lot faster.”
They also incorporate Pilates, and their dance background giving them a unique understanding of body mechanics and movement. “Our Specialties go far beyond dance medicine with a focus on returned quality of life.”
► WHERE: 3125 Blue Lake Drive
► CALL: 969-7887
► WEBSITE: myagilept.com
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