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Photo courtesy of PediPocket/Kassady Gibson/Zeekee Inc.
Above: The PediPocket, a 50-by-70-inch blanket with a foot pocket that is 20 inches deep.
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Photo by Sarah Finnegan.
Vestavia Hills resident Katherin McClellan-Miller poses with her invention, the PediPocket throw.
Blankets are a part of daily life for Vestavia Hills resident Katherin McClellan-Miller and her family. All of their blankets, however, had a similar issue: they could cover their chest or their feet, but never both.
For McClellan-Miller, that inspired her to create a new type of blanket called the PediPocket.
“It really came out of a fundamental need and a personal need,” said McClellan-Miller, the creator and co-founder of the PediPocket throw.
“Ultimately, I did some research and found there was a little bit of a gap in the industry, and started thinking about ways I could design and create a blanket that could fulfill the needs of my family,” she said.
So, without formal training, she started sewing. After multiple attempts — and a few mistakes — she had designed the PediPocket, a 50-by-70-inch blanket with a foot pocket that is 20 inches deep.
At first the blankets were just for family, but after sewing about 40 as Christmas gifts in 2016, McClellan-Miller said she was encouraged to get a patent and trademark the product.
“We were just flooded with rave reviews, so from there my husband and I really talked about it and created a business plan,” McClellan-Miller said. They officially launched their business in September 2017.
While other blankets with foot pockets are on the market, McClellan-Miller said, thePediPocket’s pocket shape sets it apart.
She designed the pocket to be in a cone shape, which goes past the foot and up to the calf.
When she looked to produce the blankets, she said the feel, weight and durability of their fabric were important qualities. They use a plush fleece fabric in the blankets, but one that is machine washable.
“One of the biggest requirements for me was not only should a blanket look good, but it should feel good,” McClellan-Miller said. “Part of the relaxation piece is how luxurious it feels against your skin. … And ultimately, being a mother, I want to be able to throw it in the washer and dry it without worrying about changing the feel.”
Their business has seen “exponential growth,” McClellan-Miller said, and they plan to release a kid-sized blanket in six colors this fall, as well as more patterns of their full-size blanket. They have received positive reviews from customers on Facebook and Instagram, she said, and it has been touching to hear from individuals who purchased a PediPocket during medical treatments.
“We have lots of people who buy them for specific ailments or illnesses, such as diabetes, such as dialysis or chemotherapy,” she said. “They have purchased them to be a piece of comfort during those times.”
Starting this business, McClellan-Miller said she had two goals in mind: She wanted to be able to spend more time with her family, and she wanted to be able to give back to the community.
“This afforded us the opportunity to be together [as a family],” she said, adding that they plan to give back through charitable donations as the business grows.
As they work to reach both of their goals while expanding their products, McClellan-Miller said she looks forward to the road ahead.
“It’s a fast and furious journey,” she said. “It’s never the same day twice. It’s fun, it’s engaging. It’s exciting.”
For more information, go to pedipocketblanket.com.