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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
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Emily Featherston
Just a few days before the national celebration of Veterans Day, the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce recognized those who have served in the United States Armed Services.
The speaker for the November meeting was Colonel Stretch Dunn, who served in the Fourth Infantry Division in the Vietnam War.
Dunn spoke about several of his experiences in Vietnam to demonstrate some of the reasons behind his efforts to establish a support center for veterans.
"Everybody has their own unique experience," he said.
Many of the soldiers in the Vietnam conflict were only 18-19 years old, he said, and encouraged the audience to consider their state of mind or their child's state of mind at that point in life.
When those soldiers as well as older soldiers experienced things such as finding civilians injured or killed due to the fighting, he said they experienced what he calls "moral injury," and that these "moments of truth" have profound effect on the individual.
"It leaves scars that are hidden from others, but that are difficult to get rid of," he said.
Dunn is the leader of Veterans Leadership Ministry, which aims to heal the mind and spirit of veterans of all wars in any way possible.
The group serves veterans in the proximity of Bluff Park United Methodist Church, and partners with local counselors and doctors to serve the veterans in as many ways as possible.
The important thing, Dunn said, is to realize that the healing process can be extremely difficult, and added that it is different for each soldier.
"The last thing you should do is to say you understand," he said.
Dunn encouraged chamber members to help the ministry reach out to soldiers in the area who may be "quietly suffering," because though they survived their time fighting, it may be even more difficult to survive the peace, he said.
To contact Veterans Leadership Ministry, email info@veteransleadershipministry.org.