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Courtesy of Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce
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Courtesy of Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce
Each year, the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce recognizes two local businesses, one retail and one service, for their outstanding business relations and commitment to the community.
The Chamber announced the winners for each category in early December and chamber leaders, along with Mayor Ashley Curry, stopped by the businesses to present each with a certificate.
Fancy Goods Variety on Rocky Ridge Road was named the 2016 Business of the Year — Retail, and Southmont Development/Morgan Properties, also known as the Rocky Ridge Living group, was named the 2016 Business of the Year — Service.
At the January luncheon on Jan. 10, the chamber will formally recognize both businesses for their contributions.
The criteria to be recognized as a Business of the Year include quality of employee-customer relations, quality of employer-employee relations, quality of relationship with the community, support of the chamber’s Program of Work effort and other demonstrations of chamber and civic involvement.
Candidates are recommended by the chamber business development committee, and winners are decided by the board.
Fancy Goods and Southmont Development/Morgan Properties were chosen based on their “outstanding commitment and service to the chamber and the community at large,” the December announcement said.
Of Fancy Goods, chamber President Karen Odle remarked on owner Leslie Self’s commitment to the community, referencing not only her support of local businesses, but her work with Vestavia Hills Elementary East.
Self said she was humbled and honored to have been chosen for the award.
“In all truth, I was really dumbstruck,” she said with a laugh, “There are so many great merchants.”
Self said she appreciated the chamber shows its support of businesses and appreciation through the award each year.
Of Southmont Development/Morgan Properties, Odle referred to owner Robin Morgan and son Rob Morgan’s efforts to bring an entertainment district to the city, and his support of the Rocky Ridge Entertainment District since its inception.
“We are tremendously honored,” said managing partner Rob Morgan.
He said they were excited to keep the First Fridays events going and keep making the city a great place to work and play.
He also said he appreciated that the chamber gives the award each year.
“I think it’s tremendously important to recognize hard work and when things work out,” he said.
The January luncheon is at Vestavia Country Club at 11:30 a.m. For more information about the luncheon or the awards, go to vestaviahills.org.