IV hydration, vitamin therapy franchise opens on Montgomery Highway


Photo courtesy of Vida-Flo.

“Intravenous vitamin therapy” sounds like less of an elective experience, and more like what happens when you are admitted to the hospital.

At Vida-Flo in Vestavia, however, the experience is meant to be more like a trip to the spa.

Vida-Flo provides a range of IV hydration packages, from basic saline or lactated solutions to therapies infused with vitamins and minerals for specific ailments.

Vestavia franchise owner Michael Gayle said he originally got the idea to open this kind of business when he experienced the process firsthand, once in Atlanta after battling a stomach virus, and once after coming down with the “cocktail flu” after a bachelor party.

“Both of which saved me,” Gayle said with a chuckle.

Gayle had been working in finance for eight years but found he had lost his love of the industry and was looking to make a change. After contacting Vida-Flo CEO and founder Keith McDermott about a franchise, he was put in touch with Derick Purdy, who is involved in Birmingham’s bar scene, who had also reached out about a franchise.

After six to eight months of figuring out the logistics and financing, Vida-Flo opened just before the first of the year with an official ribbon-cutting opening Feb. 9.

And while he said he has personally used IV hydration for hangovers, along with 20 percent of customers, Gayle stressed the idea was about more than a cure for overindulgence.

“This is not for hangovers,” he said. “This is an efficient way to get vitamins and nutrients.”

The amount of water a healthy adult needs each day can be hard to achieve, he said, and for anyone who has been under the weather or overexerting during exercise, IV hydration can be a big help.

There are multiple tiers of pre-packaged IV treatments, including those specially formulated for hair and skin health, a strong immune system, energy and even “holistic PMS relief.”

Treatments are FDA certified, and Gayle explained the facility is highly regulated by the state. All those administering the treatments must be registered nurses, and the facility is overseen by Dr. Greg Flippo.

The facility is not a medical facility, and Vida-Flo does not diagnose or prescribe, but Gayle said its mantra is to be a health facility run like a doctor’s office.

Gayle said even in just the short time since opening, he has found the response to be even above his goals.

“It’s been great,” he said. “We’re just really happy to be in Vestavia.”

Vida-Flo is at 796 Montgomery Highway. For more information, go to vida-flo.com/vida-flo-birmingham.

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