Community groups lend a hand in annual service day


Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

Sydney Cromwell

The second annual Helping Hands in the Hills brought together volunteers from around Vestavia at Wald Park the morning of Sept. 10 for a day of service.

Groups from local churches, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, Crossfit Mudtown, Vestavia Hills Elementary Central, Tim's Plumbing and several other organizations signed up for the service day. 

Their projects ranged across the city, including trash pickup, recycling and shredding services, repainting the Dogwood Room at the Civic Center and tending the Men's Garden Club garden, located at the intersection of U.S. 31 and Shades Crest Road. Some groups also helped with home and lawn care needs for neighbors who had signed up for the program.

The event is organized by the Vestavia Hills Chamber of Commerce.

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