aTeam Ministries’ Kick Out Cancer kickball tournament returns for 2nd year


Staff photo.

pThe aTeam Ministries team is holding its second annual Kick Out Cancer Kickball Tournament. The ministry supports children and their families throughout Alabama who are coping with pediatric cancer. 

The tournament is Feb. 25 at Vestavia Hills Elementary Central’s lower fields. 

The tournament is for teams of all ages competing in different brackets. 

The tournament’s purpose is to benefit children with cancer and spreads the word about aTeam’s ministry. 

“We want the community to come out and rally this event for kids to support kids,” said Event Coordinator Kristin Tunnell. “This is for adults, too, but children have the opportunity to have fun and help kids who are fighting cancer.”

For teams to register for the Kickball tournament, the cost is $20 per person, which includes a tournament T-shirt. 

There are also several sponsorship opportunities for this event. There is the Grand Slam (title sponsorship) for $1,000, Home Run for $500, Triple Play for $250 and Line Drive sponsorship for $100. Sponsorship and registration information is available at 

“With this event, we are hoping to grow and continue exposure for aTeam ministries and the mission behind it,” Tunnell said.

ATeam ministries is also hosting its seventh annual Heart 2 HeART Event on Feb. 11. The Heart 2 HeART event pairs children with pediatric cancer with professional artists in an effort to celebrate them. 

Both February events support the pediatric cancer community. 

For more information, go to or call 401-8232. 

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