Champion Latin and Ballroom


Photo by Sydney Cromwell.

Two left feet are not a problem at Champion Latin & Ballroom studio. Sterling Burroughs, the studio’s owner, has taught for 28 years and firmly believes “anyone can learn to dance.”

Burroughs started his career with the Fred Astaire Dance Studio chain in 1985, eventually managing three locations in Birmingham and Montgomery. He decided to become an independent instructor in 2000 and opened Champion in 2010.

Champion offers group and private lessons for children and adults in the main ballroom and Latin styles, including foxtrot, tango, cha-cha and swing. Burroughs and his fellow instructors each have at least a decade of experience in teaching and competing.

“We’re the most experienced staff in the city,” Burroughs said. “As far as caliber of dance instruction is concerned, we are about as good as it gets.”

Champion is also involved in the community; Burroughs volunteers his teaching skills at the Hoover Senior Center, and students perform exhibitions for fundraisers and other local events.

Though the instructors and some students compete regularly, Burroughs said that most students come to him so they can dance at weddings, clubs and parties. Dancing is a popular skill, and the affordability of group lessons has kept business growing steadily for Champion.

“Most people would like to be able to dance,” Burroughs said. “It’s one of those things that it’s not impossible to talk people into doing.”

Group lessons are held on Monday and Wednesday nights at 7:30 and 8 p.m., and a new set of dance styles is taught each month. Students can pay $10 to drop in for a single night or buy an unlimited monthly class pass. These group lessons are great for newcomers, who can learn the basics without a large investment or potential embarrassment.

“Don’t hesitate. Just go,” Burroughs said. “No matter how bad you think you are, there are teachers who were that bad when they first started.”

Burroughs recently added a Wednesday evening belly dancing class and hopes to expand Champion’s offerings to include yoga, Pilates and “Salsaerobics,” which blends Latin dance with exercise. He has also started weekly practice parties for his students to get more experience together. With these new options, Burroughs believes more Vestavia residents should experience the health and mood benefits of dancing.

“Everybody should dance. Period. You got any grumpy friends? Grumpy coworkers? Bring them to dance. I’m not kidding you,” Burroughs said. “When you’re going dancing, you’re not mad. You’re not grumpy. It just gives you a better outlook on life [and] it makes you feel better.”

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